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Workout And Diet regime Program

Monday: Chest : Flat Bench Press: 5 sets of eight reps. Incline Flys: four sets of eight reps(4×8) Back: Wide grip Chin ups(as numerous it requires to get to 50 reps). Dumbbell rows: 4 x eight. Shoulders: Seated military press(smith machine)4×8. Standing dumbbell lateral raises.4×8. Tuesday Legs: Leg Press Machine (Cost-free weight) 1 warm up and 5×8. Leg extentensions/4×8. Leg Curls/4×8 Seated calf raises/5×12. Arms: Biceps: Standing barbell curls 4×8 Seated Z bar arm curls on the arm bench:4×8 Triceps: Zbar /Lying tricep extensions.4×8. Dips 4×12 Wednesday: 30 min run Thursday: Repeat Monday Friday: Repeat tuesday. ABS: daily: 300 reps Meal 1: ¼ Cup Oatmeal——–45cal 7-ten:30 AM Pre-workout: 1 scoop protein/5 grams creatine/ five grams glutamine ———-110 Post Workout two scoops protein/ 5 grams glutamine ——–220 Meal two: ½ protein bar——–125 Eaten right after workout Meal three: Chicken Brest——–150 three PM Meal 4: Vegetables/half protein bar (broccoli)———180 four:30 PM Meal five: Chicken Brest & Salad or vegetables———–210 7:30 PM eight/8:30 Half scoop protein banana strawberry’s smoothie——–200 Total: 1240 cal per day 180 grams protein 15 grams creatine ten grams glutamine

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